Edition Rabten

Electronic Books

Electronic Books

Practical Meditation

There is a great deal of emphasis placed on the need for meditation within the context of Buddhist study and practice. But often this practice of meditation may seem unrelated to the cares and concerns of everyday life. This need not be the case. In fact, meditation and our daily activities can be mutually beneficial if we are aware of how to integrate the two.

During the summer of 1980, Geshe Rabten Rinpoche gave a series of talks in Rabten Choeling Monastery concerning the way in which we can develop a practice utilizing both formal meditation sittings and everyday activities to evolve a balanced, practical and satisfying lifestyle. Geshe presents in a clear and easily understandable way some of the essential factors involved in this transformation.

Dharma Treasure for iOS

Advice to the Fortunate

Moving advice on the practice of Dharma given to a group of fortunate disciples in Tashi Rabten Monastery in 1991.

Dharma Treasure for iOS
Dharma Treasure for Android

Preliminary Practices

An oral teaching by Geshe Rabten Rinpoche, based on the root-text by Guru Padma Karpo. Although called 'Preliminary Practices', these teachings show all the essential points of a life-time's complete practice of Dharma. The power of Geshe Rinpoche's words, if reflected upon thoroughly, will inevitably transform the reader's mind to a deeply beneficial wholesome life.

Dharma Treasure for iOS


A lecture given by the Most Venerable Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche at an international Buddhist convention in Bangkok, Thailand. With reference to history as well as content Rinpoche presents the authentic origin of the Buddha's teachings transmitted in Tibet in relation to the various other great transmissions spread in the world.

Dharma Treasure for iOS
Dharma Treasure for Android

Wholesome Sound

Sounds and voices are among the strongest factors which influence our lives. We use our very voice as one of the most important instruments to exert influence on our environment, but do not quite understand just how much sounds and voices are directly linked with the subtlest modes of functioning of our mind and body.

Gonsar Rinpoche describes these determining processes based on Buddha Shakyamuni's perfect explanations which are also the key to understanding the most profound and subtle connections that constitute the world of our experiences.

Dharma Treasure for iOS

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