Directed by Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche

Rabten Jangchoub Ling

Come and visit us!

480 Ch. de Sainte Trinide • Sanary/mer • tél +33 687 439143 •

The centre Rabten Jangchub Ling came into existence through a long-time aspiration of Anila Gilberte Giovannetti, which was accomplished through the guidance and blessings of Venerable Gonsar Rinpoche. Anila Gilberte's wish was particularly aimed at a future Nunnery. Although she has passed away in the meantime, her Dharma aspiration is being fulfilled through the proper use of this centre for the study and practice of Dharma.

The centre is situated in the hills of the Provence in southern France, a few kilometres from the beach, surrounded by pine and olive trees and manifold herbs of the region. The calm and invigorating surrounding is most helpful for meditation as well as for simple relaxation.

Not far from the centre one finds such famous places like Sanary, Bandol, La Ciotat with their harbors and beaches. Many possibilities for pleasant tours to well kept traditional villages and ancient sites dating from the time of the Romans are within close reach.

In the prayer hall of the centre teachings on Buddhism (in French) are given on a regular bases.

  • Rabten Djangtchoub Ling
  • 480 Chemin Sainte-Trinide
  • 83110 Sanary-sur-Mer
  • +33 687 439143
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