Directed by the Venerable Gonsar Tulku Rinpoche

Buddhist Retreat Centre

Come and visit us!

Between March 15th and October 15th the centre Rabten Tashi Ling is open to the public. During this time you are most welcome to visit the centre, spend a quiet time in the prayer hall, get information on Buddhism and meditation, or make holidays in one of the eight vineyard houses.

The site is situated on spacious grounds in the vineyards of the south shore of lake Balaton. The pristine nature, the hospitality of the Hungarians, and the blessing of the great Buddhist masters that have given many precious teachings here, give this place a uniquely calming atmosphere.

There are many restaurants in the surrounding, where one can enjoy excellent Hungarian kitchen at modest prices.

Twice a year weekend seminars are given (in Hungarian and German), which offer an excellent access to the wisdom of the Buddha's teachings.

Balatonkeresztúr is one of the calmest villages on the south shore of lake Balaton. The soft hills of the landscape, the beautiful view on the lake, many public shores, as well as the famous hot springs of Hevis close by will add to enjoyable days.

  • Reservation:
  • Rabten Tashi Ling
  • Magyar Tibeti Központ
  • H-8648 Balatonkeresztúr Hegyaljai ut. 1303/5
  • ++36 30 5088388
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